Modern Timber Industries

Maple Wood

Maple Wood

Mountain maple and curly maple are precious woods. Curly maple wood is reddish in color as opposed to mountain maple wood’s white to yellowish hue. The annual rings are clearly visible, and sometimes there may be marrow rays and irregular pores between them. Although maple is simple to split, as it dries, it tends to turn discolored. The logs must be rapidly cut and stored upright after being felled. One of the medium weight wood varieties is maple, which has an average density of roughly 650 kg/m3. It is hard and resistant but at the same time elastic. Maple is kept for a very long time in good conditions, for example indoors.

Both manually and mechanically, Maplewood may be worked fairly well. Numerous goods are created by people, starting with the flooring, veneers, paper (pulp wood), boxes, musical instruments, pallets, etc. Maple is a very good wood for furniture. This wood can be used in its natural, dyed, or stained. Be it contemporary, modern, carved, ethnic, rural, hand-made, or machine-made furniture, all types of furniture can be made with maple as the material.

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  • Affordable and ultra durable.
  • It will remain beautiful for many years even after taking a beating. Because it takes dark stains well
  • Maple is often used to mimic more expensive woods.


  • The risk of deforestation is increased for maple trees because of their capacity to resemble more expensive timbers.
  • Some individuals believe maple is not a particularly intriguing wood because of the little diversity in the grain.